What if you could save the history of your home town?

HHS Wants You To Join

Join Us

We are seeking new members!  2024 is a critical turning point in Hillsboro’s History.  We are looking for people who can contribute photos, stories, oral histories, time, energy, and financial support.  Many of our community members are elderly but so important to our mission and they hold the memories and voices of the past!

To Join Us – you can:

1) The Easiest Way to Join:  ONLINE MEMBERSHIP NOW Available- Click Here

2) Call our office at 503-799-8383, and we will send you a form by email or mail.

3) Come to our office at 222 East Main Street in Hillsboro and fill out a form and leave us a check!

Undoubtedly, your membership will be a crucial building block in the future of Hillsboro’s past!